Cegedim group
Group Press Release 2023
Cegedim expands its expertise in medical AI by acquiring a majority stake in Phealing, a start-up specialized in real-time secure drug delivery (PR in French)
The Claude Bernard database and its associated services are directly accessible on the new www.claudebernard.fr website (PR in French)
Cegedim Health Data expands its European database THIN® with German real-world data THIN® (The Health Improvement Network), one of Europe’s largest real-world database now includes German anonymized electronic health records
Cegedim Health Data sets up THIN® EuroBoard, its first European scientific review committee dedicated to healthcare research using real-world data
Shift Technology and Cegedim Insurance Solutions reach 10 million people protected by their joint anti-fraud offering (PR in French)
cegedim.cloud selected by the UGAP as part of the "Cloud computing services" market (PR in French)
ADERHIS, Cegedim SRH's new partner for the distribution and integration of TEAMSRH (PR in French)
Cegedim Santé launches Maiia Kiné, a complete suite of connected services for physiotherapists (PR in French)
Cegedim SRH deploys the new TEAMS PORTAIL RH interface (PR in French)
Cegedim Insurance Solutions implements TP Santé offering for OCIANE MATMUT mutual insurer
Cegedim announces a promising partnership with Gustave Roussy on the 30th anniversary of its THIN European RWD database
CETIP, a Cegedim Group company, the first BPO Insurance service provider to be approved as a Payment Service Provider (release in French)
Cegedim Santé and Parsys Telemedicine, two leading players in their markets, announce the signing of a unique partnership (PR in French)
Cegedim-MEDIA and FUTURAMEDIA to merge under the name of C-MEDIA to optimize their solutions and offerings
"Cegedim Business Services": a new division dedicated to entreprises, bringing together the activities of Cegedim e-business, Cegedim Outsourcing and Cegedim SRH
Cegedim Santé and Callibri combine their expertise to optimise the management medical appointments for healthcare professionals
HR Path, Cegedim SRH's new partner for the distribution and integration of the TEAMSRH solution
Smart Rx has earned Ségur certification for its Practice Management Software (in French)
PayBIX chooses Cegedim SRH as its exclusive partner in France and Switzerland (Release in French)