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CEGEDIM - 2024-07-26 17:35:23 - Last 13.100 EUR  +0.77 %

Last Event

JUL 25 2024Revenues up in the first half of 2024

Next Event

SEP 26 2024H1 Earnings announcement

The Big Picture

A brief history of the Group structure

  • 1969

    Jean-Claude Labrune founds Cegedim(1) to provide IT solutions for the healthcare sector.
  • 1972

    The first computerized database of doctors.
  • 1979

    Launch of the CRM division in France.
  • 1990

    International expansion begins.
  • 1991

    Launch of the first electronic data interchange platform.
  • 1994

    Launch of computerization solutions for doctors in France, for promotional efforts aimed at doctors and pharmacists, and for HR management.
  • 1995

    IPO on the Paris Stock Exchange’s Secondary Market. Cegedim is currently listed on Euronext Paris, Compartment B
  • 1997

    Launch of the Claude Bernard Database, the first computerized drugs database.
  • 1999

    Computerization of health insurance and mutual health insurance companies.
  • 2007

    Acquisition of Dendrite International, Cegedim becomes the world leader in pharma industry CRM.
  • 2015

    Sale of CRM and Strategic Data division to IQVIA.
  • 2015-2018

    First phase of the business model transformation: Strategic repositioning by moving our offering to SaaS and developing Cloud, Digital and BPO offerings.
  • 2018-2020

    Second phase of the business model transformation: Maintain steady, sustainable, profitable growth momentum.
  • 2021

    Continue to innovate and focus on revenue growth, margin improvement, and cash flow generation.
  • 2022

    Strategic partnership with social protection companies VYV, Malakoff Humanis, and PRO BTP through a reserved capital increase of €65m for 18% of the shares of Cegedim Santé.
  • Be part
    of our
    story ...



Financial Overview



Head of Financial Communications
  +33 (0)7 64 63 55 73


Universal Registration Document
PDF 11.5Mb
  XBLR version


Interim Financial Report
PDF 1.7Mb