Cegedim group
Directors & Members of the board
The Cegedim's Board of Directors has ten directors, including three independent members and four women. The Board of Directors usually meets five times a year at the written notice of its Chairman, usually addressed to each of the Directors at least one week before the date of the meeting. The Board approves the financial statements and voted in particular on the Group's major orientations and strategic decisions.
The Audit Committee helps the Board of Directors ensure that the Company’s individual financial statements and related information provided are accurate and reliable. The Audit Committee meets at least twice each year, before the approval of the Company’s annual and interim financial statements.
The CSR Committee helps the Group design, implement, and monitor good governance to ensure that it encompasses corporate social, environmental and ethical responsibility. This reflects the Board of Directors and senior management’s desire for the Group’s actions to foster sustainable value creation. The committee also handles regulatory watch for the Board and monitors the Group’s CSR indicators and policy. This Committee comprises four Board members, including two independent Board members. This Committee met for the first time in 2021.
The main missions of the Compensation - Nomination Committee are to examine and to make recommendations to the Board of Directors concerning the compensation of the Cegedim Directors, the Chairman & CEO and the Deputy Managing Director, and to examine the policy of free share allocation and variable compensation and to create proposals for the selection of Directors and to elaborate a plan for the succession of the Corporate Officers in the event of unplanned vacancies.
The main missions of the Strategy Committee are to propose directions for the Company’s growth and to identify potential targets.