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CEGEDIM - 2024-07-26 17:35:23 - Last 13.100 EUR  +0.77 %

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JUL 25 2024Revenues up in the first half of 2024

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SEP 26 2024H1 Earnings announcement

4 operational Divisions

Cegedim Group offers a wide range of solutions and services for healthcare professionals, researchers, pharmaceutical companies, health authorities, insurance companies, and for businesses in all sectors interested in outsourcing, secure hosting, and digital flow solutions. To ensure clear and consistent financial communication, the Group presents its financial results by type of business, divided into four operational divisions:

  • Software & services
  • Flow
  • Data & marketing
  • BPO

Software & services Division

Licenses, SaaS, internet services, maintenance, integration, hosting for healthcare professionals in France, the UK, Romania, Spain, Belgium, and Italy, health insurance companies in France and the UK, and HR departments in France.

53% of Group Revenue
  • 2023 Revenue: €326.6m +8.2%
  • Recurring operating income: €4.2m
  • Margin: 1.3%

Flow Division

Digitalization of processes and invoices in healthcare and other sectors in France, the UK, and Germany. Thirs party payment in France.

16% of Group Revenue
  • 2023 Revenue: €95.9m +5.9%
  • Recurring operating income: €12.1m
  • Margin: 12.6%

Data & marketing Division

European Health database and studies used by health authorities, governments, healthcare professionals, and pharma companies in France, the UK, Romania, Spain, Italy and Germany. Digital and print marketing at pharmacies in France. Digital marketing for French doctors.

19% of Group Revenue
  • 2023 Revenue: €114.9m +7.5%
  • Recurring operating income: €15.9m
  • Margin: 13.9%

BPO Division

Business process outsourcing for health insurance companies, mainly claims processing, and HR departments in France, with offshore centers in Romania and Morocco.

12% of Group Revenue
  • 2023 Revenue: €71.5m +34.9%
  • Recurring operating income: €4.0m
  • Margin: 5.5%

Financial Overview



Head of Financial Communications
  +33 (0)7 64 63 55 73


Universal Registration Document
PDF 11.5Mb
  XBLR version


Interim Financial Report
PDF 1.7Mb